The first days with your baby
Your whole life changes when your baby is born and comes home with you. Intense feelings of affection and love are making you the happiest woman in the world.
You’ll soon recover from the stress of pregnancy and childbirth and your body will return to normal. Even if you had a cesarean section, surgical incisions will soon heal and you will be ready to undertake the splendid and unique role of Mom.
Enjoy your baby and try not to isolate yourself. Take advantage of the hours that your baby is asleep and sleep as well.
You should not worry if you experience some emotional swings, the changes in your hormonal system may make you quite melancholic.
Try to keep these feelings under control and do not let them conquer you. Keep in mind that it is a perfectly normal stage after pregnancy and childbirth, which does not happen only to you but in the majority of new mothers!
Enjoy your baby and try not to isolate yourself. Take advantage of the hours that your baby is asleep and sleep as well. There is no reason to get tired by doing the housework at the same pace as before. You can be sure that you have your husband’s, your relative’s and your close friends’ full understanding and they would be happy to offer their help.